3 Benefits of Regular AC Maintenance

by | Jul 5, 2019 | Blog

Summer is here in San Marcos, Texas, and you’re relying on your air conditioner to keep your home comfortable and cool. To keep your AC system running at its best, it needs regular maintenance. The following list will discuss three benefits of scheduling regular AC maintenance.

Improved Comfort

Your indoor air quality has a bearing on the level of comfort in your home. A dirty air filter allows pollutants to fill your home, making you sick and miserable. AC maintenance will keep your indoor air fresh and clean. Depending on your AC system, you should clean or replace your air f every one to three months. As a result, you’ll take a step toward preserving good indoor air quality and high AC efficiency. Regular air conditioner maintenance will also help your system distribute cool air more evenly and steadily throughout your home. You won’t feel hot or cold spots.

Increased Energy Efficiency

With regular AC maintenance, your air conditioner will run more efficiently. Dirty condenser coils, clogged air filters and other issues mean that your AC system must work harder and ultimately use more energy. An inefficient air conditioning system will increase your energy bills and leave a bigger carbon footprint. Save on your energy bills and clean your conscience by scheduling air conditioner maintenance regularly.

Fewer Costly Repairs

Prevent costly emergency calls and repair work by scheduling your AC maintenance. Although regular AC maintenance may seem like a brief inconvenience and expense, it’s an appointment that you should keep. Worn out parts can be replaced before further damage happens, saving you money in the long run.

While Cool Cat AC & Heating is here to perform any AC repair work, we would rather help you keep your air conditioner working smoothly during the summer months. Call us today at (512) 775-2591 to arrange a preventative maintenance visit.

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